Federal Tax ID (EIN): 33-0012984
P.O. Box 82008, San Diego, CA 92138

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Support Us

The San Diego Early Music Society works to make San Diego one of the top destinations for early music in the country. When you contribute to the San Diego Early Music Society, you sustain a small organization whose mission is to foster an appreciation for music and musical practices from previous centuries that continue to resonate with audiences today.

Please help us to continue bringing the best early music performers in the world today to our beautiful city. With rising production costs, your financial gifts are now more essential than ever. Since we are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, your donation may be tax-deductible to the extent allowed by the law. It also brings you the benefits shown below.

Donor Level and Benefits

  • FRIEND ($50-$99): Name listed in concert programs
  • SUPPORTER ($100-$249): Friend benefits, plus invitation to annual SDEMS House Concert
  • SUSTAINER ($250-$499): Supporter benefits, plus invitation to post-concert receptions
  • SPONSOR ($500-$999): Sustainer benefits, plus reserved seating at Solo Series and Outreach events
  • PATRON ($1,000-$2,499): Sponsor benefits, plus reserved seating at Special Events
  • BENEFACTOR ($2,500-$4,999): Patron benefits, plus access to rehearsals *
  • PARTNER ($5,000-$9,999): Benefactor benefits, plus choice of concert for shared or partial underwriting credit and meet-and-greet with artists *
  • UNDERWRITER ($10,000-$19,999): All benefits, plus choice of concert for exclusive underwriting credit
  • PRODUCER ($20,000 AND UP): All benefits, plus option to underwrite special events and special acknowledgment on all programs and website
    as a season producer

* Invitations to rehearsals and meet-and-greet opportunities are by request only and will be limited to a small number of guests. If you are a Benefactor or above and wish to attend a rehearsal or meet the artists, please contact our artistic director Laurent at laurent@sdems.org

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